
高价Google Adsense关键词

从国外站长论坛看到的高价Google Adsense关键词,先介绍一个这里边比较贵的,Mesothelioma(肿瘤),这个词价值$52.81,还看到专门有一个站就是为这个关键词而建的,整个站就一个页面,内容还是来自搜索引擎的东西,都是关于这个 Mesothelioma的,中间放了几条Google Adsense 广告。与这个词有关的词组也非常高,甚至超过了它,达到70美元。


Bush $0.84              ---政治法律类
Cheney $0.80
Health $3.90              ---医疗健康类
Kerry $2.15
Medicine $1.92             ---医疗健康类
Point of sale software $10.40       ---商业软件类
President $0.54             ---政治法律类
SEO $4.61               ---互联网类
Satellite TV $3.93            ---电视媒体类
University Degrees Online $8.74      ---大学学位类
Yoga $1.58               ---医疗健康类
degrees $5.80              ---大学学位类  
entertainment $1.28
hosting $8.77               ---互联网类
jessica simpson $0.41
satellite $3.11               ---电视媒体类
university $1.36              ---大学学位类 
university degrees $4.48          ---大学学位类 
webmaster $1.60              ---互联网类
web hosting $10.95            ---互联网类

[Abdominal mesothelioma] $17.16     ---医疗健康类 
[Asbestos and mesothelioma] $5.42
[Asbestos mesothelioma] $37.74
[Asbestos] $24.95
[Claims] $33.11
[Fibrosis] $14.50
[Lung cancer] $5.34
[Malignant mesothelioma] $47.07
[Malignant pleural mesothelioma] $40.45
[mesothelioma asbestos] $34.70
[mesothelioma attorneys] $75.43
[mesothelioma cancer] $43.37
[mesothelioma clinic] $57.04
[mesothelioma diagnosis] $36.81
[mesothelioma doctor] $53.33
[mesothelioma info] $36.68
[mesothelioma law firm] $40.36
[mesothelioma law] $45.86
[mesothelioma lawsuit] $30.72
[mesothelioma lawyers] $56.61
[mesothelioma research] $24.78
[mesothelioma symptoms] $47.28
[mesothelioma treatment] $56.03
[mesothelioma] $55.85
[mesothelium] $12.81
[Pericardial mesothelioma] $9.60
[Peritoneal mesothelioma] $48.95
[Pleural mesothelioma] $54.03
[Prevention] $7.54
[What is mesothelioma] $36.58
